Source code for kittycad.api.hidden.get_auth_saml

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import httpx

from ...client import Client
from ...models.error import Error
from ...models.uuid import Uuid
from ...types import Response

[docs] def _get_kwargs( provider_id: Uuid, *, client: Client, callback_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: url = "{}/auth/saml/provider/{provider_id}/login".format( client.base_url, provider_id=provider_id, ) # noqa: E501 if callback_url is not None: if "?" in url: url = url + "&callback_url=" + str(callback_url) else: url = url + "?callback_url=" + str(callback_url) headers: Dict[str, Any] = client.get_headers() cookies: Dict[str, Any] = client.get_cookies() return { "url": url, "headers": headers, "cookies": cookies, "timeout": client.get_timeout(), }
[docs] def _parse_response(*, response: httpx.Response) -> Optional[Error]: return None if response.status_code == 400: response_4XX = Error(**response.json()) return response_4XX if response.status_code == 500: response_5XX = Error(**response.json()) return response_5XX return Error(**response.json())
[docs] def _build_response(*, response: httpx.Response) -> Response[Optional[Error]]: return Response( status_code=response.status_code, content=response.content, headers=response.headers, parsed=_parse_response(response=response), )
[docs] def sync_detailed( provider_id: Uuid, *, client: Client, callback_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Response[Optional[Error]]: kwargs = _get_kwargs( provider_id=provider_id, callback_url=callback_url, client=client, ) response = httpx.get( verify=client.verify_ssl, **kwargs, ) return _build_response(response=response)
[docs] def sync( provider_id: Uuid, *, client: Client, callback_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[Error]: """The UI uses this to avoid having to ask the API anything about the IdP. It already knows the SAML IdP ID from the path, so it can just link to this path and rely on the API to redirect to the actual IdP.""" # noqa: E501 return sync_detailed( provider_id=provider_id, callback_url=callback_url, client=client, ).parsed
[docs] async def asyncio_detailed( provider_id: Uuid, *, client: Client, callback_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Response[Optional[Error]]: kwargs = _get_kwargs( provider_id=provider_id, callback_url=callback_url, client=client, ) async with httpx.AsyncClient(verify=client.verify_ssl) as _client: response = await _client.get(**kwargs) return _build_response(response=response)
[docs] async def asyncio( provider_id: Uuid, *, client: Client, callback_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[Error]: """The UI uses this to avoid having to ask the API anything about the IdP. It already knows the SAML IdP ID from the path, so it can just link to this path and rely on the API to redirect to the actual IdP.""" # noqa: E501 return ( await asyncio_detailed( provider_id=provider_id, callback_url=callback_url, client=client, ) ).parsed